
I could, like most folks, make a huge list of sites and hope you will join one of them But that's not what this site is for. Neobux has PROVED itself as a worthy PTC. It has been around for more than a year and still has an outstanding reputation. Also, On 07-18-2009 it payed it's $10 Millionth Dollar Instant Payout. That's right, In 1 year NeoBux has given back 10 Million dollars to those that have earned it and has done so instantly when they asked. ($2 Minimum)

I am advertising the one (#1) PTC site that has it all. Others offer the same payout but NeoBux has stuck around to make the payouts.

When you earn $2 they will pay you $2.....Instantly.

If you don't click the link below and sign up for free as myself as your referrer then at least visit the forums and find out for yourself how sweet Neobux is and then just sign up for free on your own.
(You could still submit "samparks" as your referrer)

This banner is auto updated with current earning info.
I have been with NeoBux Since 05-31-2009
There's a reason why NeoBux is the #1 PTC site.
I just wanna say thanks to all the folks who have joined NeoBux through my link!

$0.01 to $0.02 Per Ad Click - $0.005 Per Referral Ad Click
4 Guaranteed Ads per day - Many more chances to click throughout the day.
Upgrade to $0.01 Per Ref Click - Ref's Purchasable up to 500 W/O Upgrade
(Even more upgrades available)

Launched May 1, 2008. Numerous safeguards, Trustworthy Admin and many accolades from the web community.
If your going to join only one PTC then this would be the one.

Click this or the banner above and sign up for free with me as your referrer.
Once you get on board look around at the site. The forums are a must to talk about whatever you like or even get inside information on the best strategies to increase your earnings.

Most importantly is that once you join you need to turn on your "Private Messaging" so we can communicate if you have any questions.

This Post was updated on : 11-20-09

I had put these links here because I found them to be my easiest and most reliable and I've come to find out you guys are joining these more than NeoBux (Probably because everyone is already a member of NeoBux). I don't really earn much from them ($.0005 per you guys clicks after joining) but feel free to join them if ya like.

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